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Innovation: Design for active occupantsNC-v4 INc1: Innovationposted by Jay R on May 17, 2022, 3:07 pm
Is it mandatory to answer the "Additional Questions" noted in the credit description, or is that optional? Also, Do you recommed uploading a door schedule etc. to show which doors are on... |
Quality Transit- Exemplary Performance under LEED v4.1NC-v4.1 LTc5: Access to quality transitposted by Susan Di Giulio on May 18, 2022, 7:19 pm
Is the V4 exemplary performance path of double the max required number of trips valid under v4.1? I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the ref guide or addenda, either as existing or as having... |
Open Spaces- Turf GrassSchools-NC-v4.1 SSc3: Open spaceposted by Michael J Turner on May 19, 2022, 11:02 am
Hi there, Does LEED turf count as the vegetation of outdoor space credit for Schools LEED V4.1 ? Many thanks, |
TO-15 vs TO-17 test method for VOCsNC-v4 EQc4: Indoor air quality assessmentposted by Bryna Dunn on May 19, 2022, 11:38 am
In looking at the acceptable test methods for... |
Diverse Uses counts within a Hotel Resort DevelopmentNC-v4 LTc4: Surrounding density and diverse usesposted by Srinivasan M on May 20, 2022, 7:43 am
Hello Everyone, I am currently working on a beach resort project developed on a private island. The island has restricted access to the public; only the hotel guests and the support staff... |
Compliance of Lighting fixturesNC-v4.1 EQc6: Interior lightingposted by Ellis John Mandia on May 23, 2022, 1:52 am
Hello all, Here is a actual problem I have encountered. What will happen if the lighting consultant has provided the necessary documents that comply with all the requirements for the... |
Registering a new Project under Personal name or Company NameLEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and moreposted by Amjad Ali H Ahmadalshteihi on May 23, 2022, 7:34 am
My company is registering a new project for LEED Certification and my question is: |
Anticipated Project TypeLEED Rating System Selectionposted by Barbara Beckmann on May 24, 2022, 10:40 am
On the process of registration, in step 4 - Project Information on Anticipated Project Type there isn't a category that clearly represents the building we are working. This is a building with an... |
Rating system and group approachLEED Rating System Selectionposted by Shiva Honarvar on May 24, 2022, 1:10 pm
Hello everyone, We have a project that has two office towers and one residential tower on a single site, with the same owner. One of the office towers and the residential tower are... |
Road surface sealcoatingEBOM-v4.1 MRp2: Facility maintenance and renovations policyposted by michael owen on May 25, 2022, 8:32 am
What restrictions and or credits are available for asphalt sealcoating parking lots and roadway on a LEED... |