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Innovation: Design for active occupants

NC-v4 INc1: Innovation
posted by Jay R on May 17, 2022, 3:07 pm

Is it mandatory to answer the "Additional Questions" noted in the credit description, or is that optional?

Also, Do you recommed uploading a door schedule etc. to show which doors are on...

Quality Transit- Exemplary Performance under LEED v4.1

NC-v4.1 LTc5: Access to quality transit
posted by Susan Di Giulio on May 18, 2022, 7:19 pm

Is the V4 exemplary performance path of double the max required number of trips valid under v4.1? I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the ref guide or addenda, either as existing or as having...

Open Spaces- Turf Grass

Schools-NC-v4.1 SSc3: Open space
posted by Michael J Turner on May 19, 2022, 11:02 am

Hi there,

Does LEED turf count as the vegetation of outdoor space credit for Schools LEED V4.1 ?

Many thanks,

TO-15 vs TO-17 test method for VOCs

NC-v4 EQc4: Indoor air quality assessment
posted by Bryna Dunn on May 19, 2022, 11:38 am

In looking at the acceptable test methods for...

Diverse Uses counts within a Hotel Resort Development

NC-v4 LTc4: Surrounding density and diverse uses
posted by Srinivasan M on May 20, 2022, 7:43 am

Hello Everyone,

I am currently working on a beach resort project developed on a private island. The island has restricted access to the public; only the hotel guests and the support staff...

Compliance of Lighting fixtures

NC-v4.1 EQc6: Interior lighting
posted by Ellis John Mandia on May 23, 2022, 1:52 am

Hello all,

Here is a actual problem I have encountered. What will happen if the lighting consultant has provided the necessary documents that comply with all the requirements for the...

Registering a new Project under Personal name or Company Name

LEED Reviews: Appeals, Design/Construction Submittals, and more
posted by Amjad Ali H Ahmadalshteihi on May 23, 2022, 7:34 am

My company is registering a new project for LEED Certification and my question is: 
should I create a LEED account with my company name and rigister the project using this account or I...

Anticipated Project Type

LEED Rating System Selection
posted by Barbara Beckmann on May 24, 2022, 10:40 am

On the process of registration, in step 4 - Project Information on Anticipated Project Type there isn't a category that clearly represents the building we are working. This is a building with an...

Rating system and group approach

LEED Rating System Selection
posted by Shiva Honarvar on May 24, 2022, 1:10 pm

Hello everyone,

We have a project that has two office towers and one residential tower on a single site, with the same owner. One of the office towers and the residential tower are...

Road surface sealcoating

EBOM-v4.1 MRp2: Facility maintenance and renovations policy
posted by michael owen on May 25, 2022, 8:32 am

What restrictions and or credits are available for asphalt sealcoating parking lots and roadway on a  LEED...