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Group Approach- distance for calculation of diverse uses

CS-v4 LTc4: Surrounding density and diverse uses
posted by Ricardo Sá on Nov 14, 2017, 6:25 am

Dear All,

According to Appendix C of LEED campus Guidance, the credit for surrounding...

Combining option 1 and 2

CS-v4 SSc2: Site development - protect or restore habitat
posted by Emmanuel Pauwels on Nov 23, 2017, 6:57 am

Our project is a zero lot line. We would be able to install a green roof for 20% of the project site surface which is not enough since the treshold is 30%. However, we wonder if it would be...

Water metering required for tenants?

CS-v4 WEc4: Water metering
posted by Ricardo Sá on Dec 21, 2017, 10:59 am

A large office building is being certified using LEED Core & Shell.

The building will have only one water supply source (municipal network). This water will be invoiced to the...

FAR calculations

CS-v4 SSc2: Site development - protect or restore habitat
posted by Ricardo Sá on Jan 25, 2018, 7:43 am

Dear All,

According to LEED V4 manual, on Protect or restore Habitat credit, Projects that achieve a...

C&S office now with Upgraded Core and Shell Services in Tenancies

CS-v4 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by James Duggan on Feb 8, 2018, 9:57 am

Hi, I'm working on an office C&S project.  Up until recently the MEP strategy was natural ventilation of all tenancies and for this reason the tenancy was envisaged to be modelled that way....

No MERV 13 in minor occupancy area

CS-v4 EQc1: Enhanced indoor air quality strategies
posted by sompoche sirichote on Feb 21, 2018, 5:48 am


Our project is a high-rise office tower with a small podium in front of the project. Our office tower has 55 storey. The podium is open air space where has small enclosed retail and...

Eligibility- roof areas in the calculations of restored area and activated area

CS-v4 SSc2: Site development - protect or restore habitat
posted by Ricardo Sá on Mar 8, 2018, 5:05 am

Dear All,

We are currently working in a project of a retail building with the following characteristics:

  • sales area located, mainly, below ground (level -1);
  • car...

Option 2 site area

CS-v4 SSc2: Site development - protect or restore habitat
posted by Gail Napell on Mar 28, 2018, 3:10 pm

Hi all

just confirming this is literally based on site area -i.e. our site is very small, so the cost is proportional. Thank you!

New FAQ added on using Revit

CS-v4 EQc4: Daylight
posted by Paula Melton on Apr 11, 2018, 12:25 pm

We've added a new Frequently Asked Question on this credit: Can I use Revit to document this credit?

entry way and air filtration

CS-v4 EQc1: Enhanced indoor air quality strategies
posted by MARIA ESTHER LAMADRID on Apr 11, 2018, 1:08 pm

Can entry way systems be located in the exterior but under canopy?

Does it exist an exception for very small hvac equipments that can't have air filtration Media of 11 or 13, it only...