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Existing Buildings and VOC Emissions

NC-2009 IEQc4.1: Low-emitting materials - adhesives and sealants
posted by Omer Moltay on Mar 29, 2010, 1:50 pm

How should we treat the...

Last reply: Tristan Roberts, Mar 29, 2010, 3:22 pm

Commercial Interiors version 3 EAp2

CI-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by Jordi Monjo on Jan 27, 2010, 11:08 am

the project is a restaurant focused on wine, located in Barcelona (Spain). We’ve got many problems in finding Energy star certified products in European market for many applications...

Last reply: Erik Dyrr, Mar 29, 2010, 12:05 pm

CA title 24

CI-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by Doug Drynan on Nov 9, 2009, 2:27 pm

When utilizing CA Tilte 24 as the referenced standard, will this meet the requirements of this prerequisite for mandatory and prescriptive requirements and lighting power...

Last reply: Erik Dyrr, Mar 29, 2010, 12:00 pm

CA Title 24

CI-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance
posted by Doug Drynan on Dec 13, 2009, 11:00 pm

It would be very helpful if you could provide detailed guidance on how to complete the LEED documention for projects choosing the CA Title 24-2005, Part 6 compliance path. When using the...

Last reply: Erik Dyrr, Mar 29, 2010, 11:54 am

shop-applied finishes are not covered by LEED

General forums
posted by Tristan Roberts on Mar 25, 2010, 3:17 pm

Good news, Simon. Since the finish you're using is to be "shop-applied," or oiled off-site, it is not subject to the LEED IEQc4.2...

Last reply: Tristan Roberts, Mar 29, 2010, 10:42 am

Must C&S HVAC certified under 62.1-2004 upgrade to 2007 for CI?

CI-2009 IEQp1: Minimum indoor air quality performance
posted by David Posada on Mar 26, 2010, 6:22 am

If a CI project is being built out in a building that is certified under Core and Shell to meet ASHRAE 62.1-2004, does this prerequisite require that all spaces within the scope of the TI meet 62...

Last reply: Roger Chang, Mar 28, 2010, 9:54 am

Calculating the hardscapes that are shaded

EBOM-2009 SSc7.1: Heat island effect - nonroof
posted by RASHID HAMEEN on Mar 25, 2010, 4:05 am

The guide requires that we need to calculate the shaded areas at 10 am, 12 noon and on 3pm on the summer solstice? My question is do we need to calculate on specifically on this day? what if June...

Last reply: Tristan Roberts, Mar 26, 2010, 11:08 am

Industrial Site-Process Water

EBOM-2009 WEp1: Minimum Indoor Plumbing Fixture and Fitting Efficiency
posted by Dianne Herrin on Mar 26, 2010, 4:51 am

Hi -My building is an industrial site. They use substantial potable process water to "waterproof test" assembled product. I am presuming this does not need to be included here or in WEC2? Can...

Last reply: Tristan Roberts, Mar 26, 2010, 11:03 am

SRI compliant paints

EBOM-2009 SSc7.2: Heat island effect - roof
posted by RASHID HAMEEN on Mar 25, 2010, 5:29 am

What if we apply a paint, for instance lets say we apply White color paint which is not a specific reflective coating on our roof. Will we able to claim the credit?
If not, do we...

Last reply: RASHID HAMEEN, Mar 26, 2010, 12:09 am

Existing building does not meet minimum energy efficiency

EBOM-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Efficiency Performance
posted by Karen Stewart on Mar 23, 2010, 4:52 pm

I have a client that has millions of square feet under roof. In 2006 they built a state of the art office/cooking lab building, designed for LEED NC 2.2. However they did not complete the LEED...

Last reply: Karen Stewart, Mar 25, 2010, 7:39 pm