I have a question regarding the shower and change facility requirements. My project is targeting LEED v4 but is pursuing the v4.1 credit subsitute for Bicycle Facilities. The beta reference guide says to refer to the Step-by-Step Guidance in v4 for additional guidance. The Step-by-Step Guidance (pg. 103) states, “Projects with commercial-institutional space or residential space totaling less than 10% of the total building floor area may follow the requirements of the predominant use, at the discretion of the project team.” The project has chosen to solely meet the bicycle space requirements relating to the residential use (predominant building use) and will not be targeting the bicycle space requirements relating to commercial building use as it's less than 10% of the total GFA.
From my understanding, the shower and change facility requirement is tied into this credit so that commercial FTEs have access to a shower if they choose to bike to the building. Since the project will not be pursuing the bicycle facility requirements for the commercial space is it fair to assume that a shower and change facility will not be required for commercial FTEs? Has anyone had success with a similar approach?
Thanks in advance!
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