Has anyone had any success in receiving an innovation credit point for this with LEED version 2009?
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NC-2009 IDc1: Innovation in Design
Has anyone had any success in receiving an innovation credit point for this with LEED version 2009?
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David Posada
Integrated Design & LEED SpecialistSERA Architects
LEEDuser Expert
1980 thumbs up
November 27, 2012 - 7:01 pm
I've seen it accepted on a 2.2 project, and think the GC (Skanska) has earned it on other projects.
Anna Barton, LEED AP BD+C
Sustainability and LEED ConsultantSieben Energy Associates
2 thumbs up
November 28, 2012 - 7:08 am
Kathy, as part of the required documentation for IDP Pilot Credit 5 for a V3 project, I uploaded my LEEDuser account info, and we ultimately earned the credit. Does that help? John Albrecht
Robert Phinney
Director, Sustainable Design SolutionsHDR
26 thumbs up
November 28, 2012 - 9:56 am
Yes, Skanska did use it on a few projects a few years ago. However, GBCI began to question this about 2 years ago on a 2009 project. The opinion at the time was that certification was good, but it did not necessarily translate to better effort in the field, everytime, and that best-practices were catching up to the standard. I am unsure about their effort to use their 15001 certification, but my sense is that this will not be sufficient enough to meet an ID credit by itself either.
kathy zarsky
Systems DirectorHOLOS
15 thumbs up
November 28, 2012 - 10:25 am
Thanks for all the prompt replies! Robert, your understanding seems to be the consensus view. I'm just trying to see if there's been any attempt since the ambiguity arose around v2009. Also checking internally with Skanska, so will share my findings.
Robert Phinney
Director, Sustainable Design SolutionsHDR
26 thumbs up
November 28, 2012 - 10:39 am
I was at Skanska at those times. While i did not work directly on that particular issue, my colleagues Jamie and Myrrh did (if those are your contacts). I can share their contact info off line if you wish - robert.phinney@hdrinc.com
Susan Westrup
Sustainability SpecialistBalfour Beatty Construction
January 29, 2013 - 12:45 pm
Has anyone had any luck with the ID credit if the building owner is ISO 14001 certified?
emily reese moody
Sustainability Director, Certifications & ComplianceJacobs
LEEDuser Expert
478 thumbs up
March 31, 2014 - 7:10 pm
i am curious about this, too. I have a project with Myrrh, currently. She mentioned 14001 and said they had earned it before, that she had not had any issues with getting it accepted, but that she had heard GBCI had begun questioning it at some point. We have this strategy in our list, but can substitute it out for a different strategy, if needed.
Just curious if anyone has tried it recently. Our construction won't be complete anytime soon, so it'll be a while before we are able to submit and test it.
Seema Pandya
Sustainability ConsultantSLP
151 thumbs up
December 28, 2016 - 1:37 pm
I can't site a specific project, but here is the guidance from an NCv2.1 CIR: LEED‐NC v2.1 IDc1.4 CIR ruling dated 7/10/03. The CIR states: "The use of ISO 14001 certified management
firm for the project may qualify as an innovation credit if the environmental merits are appropriately
documented and shown to be above and beyond the current scope of LEED credits. The project should, at a
minimum, address the following issues in the application submittal: 1) Describe the ISO 14001 Standards. 2)
Describe the implementation process for requiring an ISO 14001 certified firm to oversee the construction of
the project. 3) Quantify the environmental benefits achieved by the project through the use of and ISO 14001
certified firm as opposed to utilizing a standard non‐certified firm. Provide executive summaries of the audit
reports mentioned in your proposal. 4) Demonstrate practices that were implemented during the construction
of the project that can set a level of achievement for future projects wishing to pursue this credit. 5) Describe
environmental benefits that are not already addressed by existing LEED credits such as Erosion and
Sedimentation Control, Construction Waste Management, Construction IAQ Management, Building
Commissioning, and others.”
Helene Lefkowitz
Sustainability ConsultantAmbient Energy
14 thumbs up
September 6, 2018 - 2:13 pm
Reposting this question since it has come up for a LEEDv4 project I'm working on. Has anyone received guidance on whether this is an acceptable Innovation strategy for LEEDv4 projects?
Miguel Rivera
HDRMay 7, 2019 - 4:28 pm
David, do you have any thoughts if this credit is still available for LEED v4 as an innovation credit or under MR: Building Product & Optimization, material ingredients: option3.
Anna Foden
Senior Sustainability ManagerISG plc
December 18, 2020 - 12:28 pm
Hi Helene, Did you ever get a response? It has just come up on a project I'm working on - LEEDID+C Commercial v4.