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NC-v4 EAp1: Fundamental commissioning and verification
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For a building with individual systems per unit, does every single system need to be commissioned?
What kinds of projects must the CxA demonstrate experience on?
What level of authority does the CxA have towards correcting inaccurate or erroneous construction?
Can the CxA be a member of the design or construction team?
Gustavo De las Heras Izquierdo
LEED Expert185 thumbs up
July 26, 2019 - 4:20 am
Hi Maria,
This prerequisite is submitted during the construction phase. LEED Online won't let you upload any document of the construction credits during the design review.
Scott Bowman
LEED FellowIntegrated Design + Energy Advisors, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
520 thumbs up
August 11, 2019 - 5:26 pm
While not technically required for the Design Review, I would recommend uploading the Cx information as it is developed, otherwise, it is too easy to lose track in the desire to close out a submission. The prereq and credit are locked during the review, but not before or after. If you have them uploaded during the Design Review, GBCI will not review them nor give preliminary approval.