I’m new in modeling, I have a building need to be simulated for leed rating, Can you please share a "HAP" file that contain both of the proposed building and the baseline for any project as a sample.
any trainning files may help also.
thanks for all of you.
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Mohamed Abdelrahim Abdelaal
Senior MechanicalZuhair Fayez Partnership Consultants
July 30, 2019 - 5:31 pm
Please any help to start
Waleed AlGhamdi
Sustainability EnablerEskew+Dumez+Ripple
20 thumbs up
July 30, 2019 - 5:38 pm
energy-models.com or unmethours.com will be a better place to post this question. I don't know HAP well enough, but if you're new and working alone, consider a tool with a broader network of support like EnergyPlus or eQuest. Or a commercial one with support like IES-VE.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
July 31, 2019 - 1:50 pm
A HAP license should come with technical assistance from the software producer. Perhaps they could provide a sample project. I am not sure this is a good place to start, perhaps check out some training.
Mohamed Abdelrahim Abdelaal
Senior MechanicalZuhair Fayez Partnership Consultants
July 31, 2019 - 2:41 pm
unfortunately, the HAP doesn't come with a modeling sample leed project. that's why I'm looking for any hap archived file.
Abdullah Tahir
17 thumbs up
March 15, 2024 - 5:04 am
Mohammad, you can usse Carrierr HAP Leed Guide, it is part of HAP 5.1
These are 3 pages with step by step procedurre