Under Step-By-Step Guidance,
delete "Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications:"
add: "Step 1. Determine Smoke-Free Locations
Obtain information from the owner that smoking is prohibited inside the building. Residential projects may allow smoking in specific units, with specific requirements for ensuring that those units are adequately isolated (Refer to the LEED v4 reference guide, Further Explanation, Project Type Variations).
• Identify the location of building openings, including entries, outdoor air intakes, and operable windows.
• Emergency exits do not quality as building openings if the doors are alarmed, because alarmed doors will not be opened. Emergency exits without alarms qualify as building openings."
revise step 2 so it reads:"Step 2. Designate Locations Of Exterior Smoking Areas: Determine whether the project has or will have designated outdoor smoking areas. Locate any area designated for smoking at least 25 feet (7.5 meters) from smoke free areas, based on the information gathered in step 1. The 25-foot (7.5 meter) distance is a straight line calculation. Research local codes applicable to the building- the code regulations may or may not meet the 25 feet distance rule for exterior smoking. See the LEED v4 reference guide, further explanation, code limitations and restrictions.
• Consider design strategies that may encourage people to use the designated smoking area, such as covered seating
• Educate occupants on the smoking policy and encourage them to self-police. This is particularly important in retail situations.
• Ashtrays signal that smoking is allowed in a particular area. Be sure these are placed outside the 25-foot (7.5 meter) perimeter."
delete step 3 and rename step 4 to step 3
Under Further explanation,
Delete " Follow LEED v4 reference guide with the following modifications."
and replace the text under "Property Line Less Than 25 Feet (7.5 Meters) From the Building:" with
"Projects with a property line less than 25 feet (7.5 meters) from the building must consider space usage when determining the outdoor smoking policy. Smoking must still be prohibited on sidewalks within 25 feet (7.5 meters) of openings. Building staff should be educated about this policy so they can direct smokers to designated smoking areas and away from entrances or windows. See Figure 1 in the LEED v4 reference guide.
Project Type Variations
Smoking must be prohibited outside the restaurant building in all areas except the designated outdoor smoking area. This prohibition must include all restaurant seating/café tables controlled by the project even if they lie outside of the property line (such as on a public sidewalk). See Figure 1 in the LEED v4 reference guide "