Sensors on toilets and faucets are perceived as saving water. However, several studies have shown that while they may offer some hygiene or other operational benefits, they increase water use substantially, due to “phantom flushes” and faucets running longer than needed. If you do choose lavatory sensors, look for models with adjustable flow durations. Although the LEED calculation estimates a standard 30-second use, setting the flow duration to a shorter time interval can help save water.
Including microphone and speakers in a classroom design or other electronic amplifiers will not contribute to credit compliance. Amplification allows the teacher to be heard more easily but does not reduce reverberation time or background noise levels.
Commercial Interiors projects registered after July 19, 2010, if they do not install or modify any fixtures in the base building restrooms, should copmlete calculations for WEp1 that only include fixtures within the tenant space/LEED-CI Project Boundary (the kitchen sink).
Well water and pond water are not considered “reused” water for the purposes of this credit and must count as potable water—so you don’t get credit for substituting them for conventional water sources. Water types that do count as reused are: graywater (lavatory, sink and shower water), rainwater, treated wastewater, air-conditioner condensate, reverse-osmosis reject, and sump-pump water.
Appliance and process water uses such as clothes washers, dishwashers, cooling tower make-up, and others, do not need to be included in the LEED water reduction calculations. However, teams do have the option of earning an additional point for reduced appliance and process water as part of an exemplary performance point, building on the 30%–40% water-use reduction for WEc3: Water Use Reduction.
Reassess the potential for earning EQc9 – Enhanced Acoustical Performance after the first round of calculations. If the background noise level can be reduced to 40dBA, the acoustics consultant should run some preliminary calculations for EQc9’s