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How should we account for off-site parking under this credit?

The short answer is that any leased, owned, or designated parking spaces located outside of the LEED project boundary (e.g. off-site) should be included in the credit calculations.The long answer is that there's some discrepancy in how the LEED Reference Guide treats off-site parking. Per the Reference Guide, the total parking value needs to be consistent across your LEED application. However, it also says that for SSc5, only parking spaces within the LEED project boundary should be included in the calculation. And in other credits, like LTc7, the Reference Guide says that the parking calculation must include all existing and new off-street parking spaces that are leased or owned, which includes parking that is outside the project boundary if it's used by building occupants/visitors.USGBC is aware of this inconsistency and has given LEEDuser the feedback that the total vehicle parking capacity must include any leased, owned, or designated spaces located outside of the project boundary, and must be consistent across credits. Refer to the SS Overview section of the LEED Reference Guide for additional details on determining the total vehicle parking capacity for your project and maintaining consistency in your LEED application.


How should we account for off-site parking under this credit?