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Attending my first presentation on Green Globes, I was suspicious, but interested to get the low-down on how it works.

by Joshua Radoff

Last month, I heard my first presentation on the Green Globes rating system. I felt like the Bishop of Canterbury hearing Henry the VIII tell me about this new "Church of England" he was planning to roll out. That is, I was suspicious, but interested to get the low-down on how it works with a real open mind, so that I might know what the future may or may not hold. I have to say, I find some of the innovations to be really good.

The second public comment period is open from April 19th to May 18.

It's been a long time coming (since November 2007), but USGBC today opened a second public comment period for LEED for Healthcare!

Sixty-two credits and prerequisites, and almost all have changes, though most are minor and are about aligning LEED for Healthcare with the LEED 2009 rating systems. Some of the more significant ones are:

And Tips to Avoid Them

Snafu #10: Being threatened to be hung from the construction crane if the project doesn’t earn LEED Gold.

LEEDuser tip: Create a detailed checklist with tasks delegated to individual team members, allowing each member to focus on assigned tasks. The checklist can function as a status tracking document and, finally, the deliverable for LEED Online.

GBCi has scheduled an increase in its LEED registration and certification fees

I just saw the announcement that the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCi) has scheduled an increase in its LEED registration and certification fees for January 10, 2010. Some fees (like the one for registration) will double!